A few years ago, my good friend Dan Shott happened to press “record” during Nick Gas upon seeing a particularly geeky looking kid at the beginning of an episode of “Get The Picture” on Nick Gas. What unfolded was the greatest episode of TV in the history of mankind. This is the most unintentionally funny episode ever, and my roommates and I have made it a tradition to (drunkenly) watch this episode at least once a month. And yes, we have every line memorized and quote along. It’s like Rocky Horror Picture show for drunks.
The Highlights: The kid falling for EVERY trick question (“Australia?” “Meteors?”). Every one of Mike O’Malley’s awkward turns of phrase and jokes that fall flat. And the amazing hand motion the kid does at 15:35, which has been dubbed the: “Fist Pump Down Up Down Double Tap Jerk Off Arsenio Swoop to Rejected High Five”
Get The Picture from Shott on Vimeo.
Category: Awesome, Friends, Kids & Babies, TV & Film, Unintentional Comedy, Vintage | 1 Comment » |
Shott says:
I must give credit to Sean Frasier for recording this the first time it aired, although I’ve got to imagine that no one in the world has seen this episode of tv more times than I have.
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