Speaking of Pi Day, here’s a look back at the first ever video posted here at Pie Heaven…coming in at 1:59:26 PM (the other “official Pi Time”).
Here’s my buddy The Duke’s review of this video, from one year ago today:
I don’t understand why no one is all too concerned when the two KKK members (let’s call a spade a spade here, they may be mathmatically inclined, but those two guys are dressed as fucking klansmen and are a slipped razor away from having matching Hitler moustaches) blast the fat kid with their laser sword and he dissapears into nothing. The other kids act like that stuff happens all the time. Maybe in the world of “Zap” it does, but if I ever run into two flamboyant klan members with a laser sword, I’m getting the hell out of dodge, whether they promise me pie or not. God rest your fat little soul Steve. You’re eating pie and learning decimal points with Jesus now.
-The Duke
Category: Awesome, Comedy, Creepy, Geek, WTF | 1 Comment » |
Nate Brown says:
“did somebody say ‘pi’?” “no, not ‘pi’, ‘pi'” I don’t get it? that fatty was only asking about the mathematical CONSTANT that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to it’s… wait. did they think he was asking about “pie”? what jerks! i think if i was the fat kid i’d punch all my friends out for being so rude. then i’d eat them. starting with that delicious, cotton-candy-like afro. i’d probably jeep the girl who called me fat in a jar for dessert. that would teach them to call me fat. and while i’m at it, i would burn that terrible shirt with the horizontal lines across it. no wonder i look fat. the wardrobe department doesn’t know how to make me look slimming. what can i expect though; they don’t know the difference between a wizard and a klansman, and think a vaccuum with arms is a robot. tv shows these days.
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